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Practical-ly Pesach Resources 2017/5777
Last updated March 10, 2017
First Seder, Monday evening, April 10, 2017

Multi-level Passover Guided Learning (MyJewishLearning.com)

Shopping: Kosher Product Directories and Guides

The Ten Commandments for the Prudent Passover Consumer
Kashrut.com list and links to full text Passover Shopping and Preparation Guides
OU's Food and Non-Food Items Not RequiringSpecial Passover Certification
Pesach/Passover Nutrition Facts (Jewish Diabetes Association)
Avoiding Weight Gain on Passover (Alan Freishtat, Aish.com)
Passover Kashrut Alerts and Updates (Kashrut.com)
COR - Kashrut Council of Canada Passover Guide
Montreal Kashrut Pesach Shopping Guide
Kosher London Beit Din Pesach Guide
Kosher Australia Pesach Guide and Mechirat Chametz Forms
Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa Pesach Kashrut Guide and Sale of Chametz forms

Observance: Issues and Advice

"But What Could be the Problem with...?" (Tzvi Rosen)
All About Kitniyot (Aish.com)
Why Legume Oils are Permitted (Ohr Somayach)
Jerusalem Institute Questions Post-Diaspora Kitniyot Abstinence (Arutz Sheva)
Masorti Responsa in Israel: Eating Kitniyot on Pesach (Shechter Institute of Jewish Studies)
Conservative Movement Overturns 800 Year Old Passover Ban on Rice and Legumes (The Forward)
Kitniyot Revealed (Richard J. Israel)
Medicines and Cosmetics on Pesach (Doniel Neustadt)
Vital Points for Insulin Use on Passover/Pesach (Jewish Diabetes Association)
What Kosher Wine Is and Isn't
Still Quonfused About Quinoa (Arlene Mathes-Scharf, Kashrut.com)
Pet Food for Passover (Aish.com)

The Quintessential Kashering Primer (Dovid Cohen, Jewish Action)
The Star-K Kitchen (Moshe Heinemann)
Pesach Pointers
Sell Your Chametz Online (Chabad)
The Busiest Day of the Year: Laws of Erev Pesach (Dovid Heber)
If Men Cleaned for Passover (Devorah Blachor, The Forward)
Women and the Fast of the Firstborn (JOFA)
Eruv Tavshilin (Tzvi Rosen) - Does not apply in in 2017/5777

Pesach Recipes

Haroset Recipes from Around the World (Claudia Roden)
Online Passover Cookbook (Aish.com)
Vegetarian Pesach Recipes (RFCJ Archives)
Sephardic Style Vegetarian Pesach Recipes (Nava Atlas)
Vegetarian Fat Free Passover Recipes (Zahava Koren)
Desserts Your Guests Won't Believe are Kosher for Passover (Shannon Sarna, Tablet)

The Seder

Preparations for the Seder
Seder Table Checklist
How to Conduct a Seder (Barry Dov Lerner, My Jewish Learning)
10 Ways to Enjoy the Seder (Yaakov Palatnik, Aish.com)
Making a Memorable Seder (Ron Wolfson, United Synagogue Review)
A Place at the Table:An Orthodox Feminist Exploration of the Seder (JOFA)
"Important Women" and Leaning: A Socio-Halakhic Perspective(Yehudit Engelberg Cohen)
Miriam's Cup: A New Ritual for the Passover Seder
Video: Miriam and the Passover Story (Jewish Women's Archive)
Insights into the Haggadah (Aish.com)
YU Online Pesach Shiurim (Yeshiva Univ.)
Evolution of the Passover Haggadah (Karen Roekard)
Malbim Haggadah (Ohr Somayach)
Pesach Haggadah according to Mishneh Torah (Maimonides)
Divrei Torah on Pesach (Project Genesis)
Sephardic Passover Customs and Traditions (Elimelech David Ha-Levi)
Ethiopian Jewry Gets its First Haggada (Jerusalem Post)
The Karaite Passover Haggadah(Karaite Korner)
The Passover Sacrifice among the Samaritans (Joseph Schwarz)
Chassidic and Israeli Pesach Songs and Melodies (Arutz 7)
Pesach Songs and Music (HebrewSongs.com)
Digital Haggadah MP3 files (Judaism.com)
"Get the Dough" (Allison Bernstein, Kveller.com) sung to the tune of "Let it Go" from the Disney animated film Frozen
"Chad Gadya for our Time" (Chava Alberstein, Hebrew) and translation and transliterated lyrics, sung by Juliet Spitzer in English and Hebrew
A Place at the Passover Table--for Pharaoh (Bradley Burston)
Passover on the Nettraditional seder melodies and downloadable haggadot, recipes, songs and stories
Make and Print Out Your Own HaggadahFree online templates and assortment of readings, artwork and video clips for creating a customized Seder service designed by you for your guests
Open Source Haggadah Project
All-Hebrew Haggadah (Zooloo)
Seder Wizard and downloadable Haggadot (Chabad.org)
Valley Beth Shalom Haggadah
Passover Jewish Freeware (Barry Dov Lerner)
A treasure trove of downloadable resources, traditional and creative seder ideas,printable pages for creating your own haggadah, song books. and games for all ages
Passover Seders For You: Ready-To-Use Original and Creative Passover Haggadahs, Passover Seder Parodies, and Four Questions Translations
A Growing Haggadah (Mark Hurvitz)
The Hogwarts Haggadah (Moshe Rosenberg)
Uncle Eli's "Dr. Seuss" Haggadah - Four Questions
The Four Questions in Klingon
"The Wandering is Over" 45 Minute Haggadah (JewishBoston.com)
The Two Minute Haggadah: A Passover Service for the Impatient (Michael Rubiner, Slate.com)
The Passover of Peace: A Seder for the Children of Abraham, Hagar and Sarah (Shalom Center)
5 Supplements to Make Your Seder Relevant this Year (JTA)
A Wicked Passover (Jewish Crossroads)
Nisan (Jewish Heritage Online Magazine)
Alone or on your own? Find a Seder - US and cities worldwide
Counting the Omer (Project Genesis)
What it is, how to do it, and optional registration for free daily e-mail reminders.

Just for Fun
Video: Zen and the Art of Matza Breaking (You tube)
Matzo Man (You tube)
Who Let the Jews Out? (You tube)
Jake Gyllenhaal "Where did I hide the Afikomen?" Video (Shalom Sesame)
"Time to Find the Afikomen" Video (K4P)
Pesach Games for Kids, Songs, Movie clips, Humor, and more...(Kosher4Passover)

Need more Pesach links? Check out Jacob Richman's Passover Holiday Hot Sites
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